Week 8: Fun with books & reading!

Activity 1: There are several websites – Shelfari, http://www.shelfari.com , Goodreads, http://www.goodreads.com and Librarything, http://www.librarything.com  – that allow you to find information about books, keep track of the books you have read or want to read, add comments and/or reviews, and exchange ideas about what you’re reading. All three of these options also let you display a “shelf” of your books on your blog. The sites all require that you sign up for a free account. Set up a free account, then add some favorite books to your shelf and embed the shelf on your blog.

Activity 2: Now, write a blog posting about which site you explored and how you think you could use this software for school projects or for fun. Make sure you added your shelf to your blog.

Activity 3: Sync, http://www.audiobooksync.com/,  offers two free YA audio books all summer each week from May 15-August 20, 2014. You can download and install the Overdrive Media Console on a smartphone, tablet or computer.

Librivox, http://www.librivox.org, free public domain audiobooks  for your computer, iPod, other mobile device or to burn onto a CD. Use the search tools and find something you would like to read. Write a blog post about using either Sync or Librivox.  Discuss what you learned and how these Web 2.0 tools might help today’s readers.

Activity 4: Project Gutenberg, http://www.gutenberg.org , offers over 45,000 free e-books including ePub or Kindle to read online or download them. Write a post about how you used Project Gutenberg. What did you learn? How might you use this free ebook site?

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