Library/Tech Spring 2016

Welcome back!

Second semester students have created their blogs using Edublogs, specifically designed for educational purposes and they are linked to a blog roll of students on the Taft Library home page using the link Learning 2.0. Edublogs offers basic blogs for free and also Pro accounts that are paid. Edublogs has been created with opportunities to learn about many features throughout the semester as you are exploring Web 2.0 tools and learning.

This week you will be creating Avatars to personalize your blogs including a talking Voki. All of the lesson is included as Week 3: Avatars. Remember when you post to title each section such as “Activity 1, 2, etc.”

Remember to review Blogging Guidelines before making your post public. Jane Lofton, Teacher Librarian at Mira Costa High School curated several videos focusing on digital citizenship especially Online Safety and Privacy for you to understand the importance of sharing online. The importance of creating a positive digital footprint will be discussed as well as reminders to not share anything too personal including photos of friends or relatives without their permission. The school district Responsible Use Policy BUL 999.11 adopted in August 2015 will also be reviewed.

The final work will be due on Friday, January 16, 2016 including your reflection which is Activity 3.


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